The two seem to fit together like a hand and glove...I don't know what the deal is lately, but I've run into a couple of snags with some non-paying buyers which really gets my blood boiling. The time, effort, attention spent in creating my guys is not something I take lightly. This is my 'craft' hobby on the side, but as a serious artist, I take pride in everything I create, so when someone stiffs me or disregards this through non-payment or other lame accounts, it literally feels like a giant boot is stomping on the hours of work I spent. I don't think people realize how many artists and craftsmen out there are literally suffering for their art. No, its not just a fashionable jargon-statement of the artworld. It's friggin true. Yeah, venting feels good....
On the silver-lining side of the dark, stormy cloud, I completed another wholesale order today :
PB & J, and melted buttered toasts. Plus 8 little milk cartons, which I didn't include in this pic. These were a lot of fun --the realization is finally crystallizing within me, at the absurdity of how amused I am with my polymer food. I don't know what it is, but whenever I stare at that winking fried egg, I get all giddy inside...
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