Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hello Kitty Bracelet - Custom

Hello Kitty has been around as long as I have. Born in 1974 (or 73?) she's been a staple for little girls everywhere and now grown women have a fascination with her that has extended to products such as makeup, stereos, toasters, mp3 players , toilet seat covers, nose-hair clippers and beyond. Holly Hobby didn't hold a candle to Hello Kitty. Not only has she made her way through the generations, but she keeps popping up in my life like a cold that won't go away. My battered wallet which houses all my important cards, identification and money, sports the venerable cat and friends, so it's no wonder that eventually I'd find myself making something out of clay in homage to her:
What's next? Maybe a pooper-scooper...(if it hasn't been done already).

2 comments: said...

Mind blowing. really superb bracelet. I love this very much and wanna to collect this at PIJ. Its really gorgeous. Thank you for sharing this.

Tyson Holt said...

Great readd thank you